Annual "New Beginnings" Experiential Workshop
“Creative Expression:
Art to Support Healing, Self-reflection, and Connection
to an Inner Sense of Safety in Our Personal and Professional Lives”
with Christy Turek Rials
Sunday, January 8, 2023
9:00 am — 11:15 am
Encino Golf Course — Banquet Room
Christy Turek Rials directs all aspects of the A Window Between Worlds (AWBW) live and on-demand trauma-informed art facilitation trainings and outreach initiatives. She began her work with AWBW as a trained Program Facilitator at the YWCA of San Gabriel Valley's Outreach and Shelter Programs. She has also facilitated groups with incarcerated survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and other forms of trauma. Christy deeply believes in seeing the light in all people and environments, striving to create a world with healing and equity for all. She lives this personal mission in her work as a trainer and art workshop facilitator by supporting others in utilizing creative expression to connect to their resilience and practice self-care.
2.0 CEUs |
Registration & Information |
Gina Balit—President's Message
I submit this month’s write-up in my President-Elect role, and as we come to the end of 2022, a year in which our current President Nikki Gabriel gave her all by instilling hope and in doing so, began our transition to hybrid meetings subsequent to the pandemic. I’m so incredibly honored to be following . . . Read Gina’s full message
Ariel Cohen—CAMFT Facebook Page Legislative Updates
CAMFT Executive Director Joy Alafia and members of the California LGBT Leadership Caucus at a fundraising event. The fundraiser featured a special performance by the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus, the world’s first openly gay chorus, whose members use music . . . Read Ariel’s full update
Board Minutes—September 2022
Read September’s Board Minutes
Board Minutes—October 2022
Read October’s Board Minutes
Charlyne Gelt—Cinema Therapy: Elsa and Fred
Topics such as grief, loss, aging, mortality, and death aren’t usually the focus of movies that are billed as “romantic comedies,” but the 2014 film Elsa and Fred is a delightful exception. It’s the story of two seniors who meet when they become neighbors, start spending time together, ditch some of the stereotypes . . . Read Charlyne’s full review
Lynne Azpeitia—Getting Paid
The beginning of the year is always the time for resolutions, and this holds true for private practice, too. The top resolutions mental health professionals tell me they’re making this year are still happen to be the same ones as last year—increasing practice income, cultivating new connections and referral sources, how to make dealing with insurance less time consuming and stressful, how to attract . . . Read Lynne’s full column
Doris Mullen, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Some people dwell in a creative world much to the awe of other people. Doris Mullen, LMFT, is an artistic, depth-oriented therapist in private practice. She has created a deck of archetypal cards to help clients discover their unconscious desires, deep seeded wounds, and what keeps them stuck in familiar negative patterns. The deck of hand painted female figures is called “Archetypal Cards: Images of the Feminine.” The deck depicting feminine images, can be used . . . Read Doris’ full profile
John Porterfield, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Why do we dream? How are we to understand the meaning and purpose of these visions of the night?
Our dreams are “living images” from the unconscious that reflect and respond to our personal life, our loves, our conflicts, and the as-yet-unknown possibilities that await us. Dreams tell us more about the person we are while leading us to the person we may more fully become through personal healing and growth.
By acknowledging and relating to the images and symbols of our dreams, we acquire . . . Read John’s full article
Cassidy Russell, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
The moral panic surrounding video games has limited many therapists' understanding and utilization of this possible tool. Even institutions like the WHO have been confusing when it comes to video games. Before the pandemic video games were bad. During the height of lock down when people were encouraged to socialize digitally, video games were good. Now with the introduction of “Gaming Disorder,” we are back to video . . . Read Cassidy’s full article
Insight Treatment Programs
A big thank you to Insight Treatment Programs,for sponsoring our
November 2022 Online Membership Meeting.
Insight Treatment Programs are recognized as a leader in Intensive Outpatient Treatment (IOP) for teens,
(13-19 years of age), struggling with mental health and/or substance abuse issues. Whether your teen
is suffering from a mental health disorder, such as depression, anxiety, trauma, or ADHD . . . Read Insight’s full profile
eBlast Advertisers
These are the companies and individuals we want to thank for advertising with us . . .
December 2022 eBlasts
January 2023 eBlasts
Contact Us
If you would like to contact one of our Board members or Committee Chairs, or inquire about eBlast advertising . . .
Our Board, Committees and Information
SFV-CAMFT Resources
Professional Resources
Community Resources
Associate Job Listings
PsychoDynamic Primary Therapist for Rehab Center for Teens
Encino, CA
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Center / AMFT
North Hollywood, CA
For more job listings and other free resources, visit Prelicensed!

Non-members who become members of SFV-CAMFT receive
a 50% discount over the non-member price on a single issue.
San Fernando Valley Chapter – California Marriage and Family Therapists |