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July-August 2020 This Way In >> | ||||||||
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Natalie Jambazian—President's Message Amid the chaos we have been witnessing and the violence we are experiencing in this world, it has definitely been an overwhelming time. As I write this message on June 1st, 2020, I am overfilled with sadness. I hope we can continue to remain united and bring some humanity into the world. As therapists, we have the potential to provide a safe space to discuss important topics . . . Read Natalie’s full message |
Ariel Cohen—CAMFT Facebook Page Legislative Updates BIG NEWS about VIDEO- SUPERVISION from the BBS: Registered Associates working in Non-Exempt settings are now able to receive videoconferencing supervision! On May 6, 2020, the Department of Consumer Affairs issued a waiver . . . Read Ariel’s full update |
Steven Unruh—June Membership Meeting Write-Up Pasadena Divorce Options presented to our chapter on June 7, 2020. It was a well organized and highly informative seminar. The team that presented gave us a greater understanding of their scope of expertise when resolving a divorce through a collaborative . . . Read Steven’s full write-up |
Katie (Wren) Busse—Returning to the Office and Face-to-Face Sessions As mental health professionals have been considered essential workers, our private practices and treatment centers were exempt from closure as part of the “stay-at-home” order issued due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, many of us still made the decision to close our physical business doors . . . Read Katie’s full write-up |
Board Minutes—May 2020 Read May’s Board Minutes |
Charlyne Gelt—Cinema Therapy: Pain and Glory PAIN AND GLORY is an amazing semi-autobiographical film made by famed Spanish filmmaker and director, Pedro Almodovar (“Salvador” in the movie, played by Antonio Banderas). It’s about one man’s search for meaning which takes him on a meandering journey across the oceans of his life, career, and relationships. As an actor, Banderas brings it all . . . Read Charlyne’s full review |
Sue Cristol, LMFT—Back to Normal? It is difficult to know where to begin right now. We are in a precarious place. A worldwide pandemic persists despite some of us behaving as if things are “back to normal.” Unable to see our clients face to face, we are figuring out other ways of remaining . . . Read Sue’s full article | ||||||||
John Porterfield, LMFT—Into the Dark Woods: Jung’s Path of Individuation Individuation is the possibility by which the individual can attain the full development and completion of our incomparable uniqueness. The possibility of self-realization is built on the foundation we have laid in the first half of life. Our society devotes much preparation of its youth for the first half of life in terms of education, training, and the clearly expressed expectations that success is to create . . . Read John’s full article Margot Parker, LMFT—Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy (RO-DBT) Self-control is usually seen as a good thing, however excessive self-control, also known as over control (OC) is not and can cause difficulties for people. It can inhibit our ability to connect with others leading to painful emotional loneliness and social isolation. It can result in rigid responses and emotional inhibition thought to underlie . . . Read Margot’s full article | ||||||||
Carole Field, LMFT, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist During this time when we are sheltering in place due to the coronavirus, I had the pleasure of getting to know Carole Field, LMFT, by phone. Her engaging personality comes across through her voice. Carole expressed concern for people feeling alone and anxious during this time of isolation. “I think in this crisis, psychotherapists are angels,” she said. Carole has a passion to help ... Read Carole’s full profile |
Mishka Clavijo Kimball, LMFT, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Mishka Clavijo Kimball is a dynamic, energetic, ambitious, and nurturing Latinx woman whom I had the pleasure of interviewing. To sum up this article at the start: I found Mishka to be an inspiration. “I am a Latinx therapist. Before, the terms used to be Latino and Latina and now its gender neutral,” Mishka explained. She believes using Latinx is a more appropriate term as “it creates a comfort and allows for more inclusivity ... Read Mishka’s full profile |
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Our Sponsors These are the companies and individuals we want to thank for their support of SFV-CAMFT ... Rogers Behavioral Health Discovery Mood & Anxiety Programs Center for Discovery |
eBlast Advertisers These are the companies and individuals we want to thank for advertising with us . . . June eBlasts July 2020 eBlasts |
Contact Us If you would like to contact one of our Board members or Committee Chairs, or inquire about eBlast advertising . . . Our Board, Committees and Information< | ||||||||
SFV-CAMFT Resources
Professional Resources Community Resources |
Associate Job Listings Mental Health Therapist Therapist MFT / MSW
Non-members who become members of SFV-CAMFT receive a 50% discount over the non-member price on a single issue. | ||||||||
San Fernando Valley Chapter – California Marriage and Family Therapists |