New Member Social Event
In-Person in Porter Ranch Home
Saturday, May 13, 2023
1:00 pm — 4:00 pm
Sponsored by
Clearview Treatment Programs
Law & Ethics Workshop
“Starting a Private Practice,
Solicitation of Testimonials/Yelp/Advertising & Professional Wills”
Luke Martin, Esq., Bradley Muldrow, Esq.,
and Alain Montgomery, Esq.,
CAMFT Staff Attorneys
Friday, June 16, 2023
9:00 am — 4:15 pm
Online Via Zoom

Luke Martin, JD, Esq., Luke is a member of the State Bar of California since 2011, joined CAMFT
as a Staff Attorney in 2019. He holds a Master of Business Administration with
honors and a Juris Doctorate Degree specializing in Child, Family and Elder Law with honors. Prior to coming to
CAMFT, Luke ran a private practice focusing on civil litigation and
represented several businesses with annual revenues in the millions.
As a CAMFT staff attorney, Bradley J. Muldrow, JD, Esq., takes member phone calls regarding law and ethics issues and contributes articles on those subjects to CAMFT's publication, the Therapist. Prior to joining CAMFT’s legal team, Brad worked on litigation and regulatory matters as an attorney for San Diego Gas & Electric Company. Since becoming an attorney, Brad has given law and ethics presentations to attorneys and judges as a member of the J. Clifford Wallace Inn of Court.
Alain Montgomery, JD, Esq., is a member of the State Bar of California. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science
from the University of California at Berkeley and a Juris Doctor degree from Thomas Jefferson School of Law.
Prior to joining the CAMFT legal department, Alain worked in public interest law as a legal advisor for the
Superior Court of California where he helped self-
represented parties navigate the complexities of small claims litigation.
6 CE Credits |
Registration & Information |
Gina Balit—President's Message
We’ve sprung into May and now summer feels right around the corner. Before I get to the hot updates for the next couple months, I’d like to highlight our diversity committee, which hosted their first cultural awareness picnic in March. It generated great interest, so much that we’re already looking forward to the next one! Various types of food were served from different cultures such as Greek and Japanese, in addition to special activities such as yoga and spoken word. Members and volunteers . . . Read Gina’s full message
Ariel Cohen—Legislative Update
CAMFT’s Medicare bill has been passed! Both the Senate and the House have passed the Omnibus package that includes MFTs as Medicare providers! The package is being sent to the President for his signature. We'll keep you posted. We want to express tremendous gratitude for Rep. Mike Thompson @RepThompson, Rep. John Katko @RepJohnKatko , Sen. John Barrasso @SenJohnBarrasso, Sen. Debbie Stabenow @SenStabenow, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi, for all their hard work on this important . . . Read Ariel’s report
Board Minutes—February 2023
Read February’s Board Minutes
Board Minutes—March 2023
Read March’s Board Minutes
Charlyne Gelt—Cinema Therapy: The Woman King
The Woman King is a movie that brings to light a significant but often overlooked aspect of African history, that between the years 1620 and the early 1800s, black tribes in Africa sold black captives of war into slavery to Europeans, and relied on this slave trade for economic growth.
The movie takes place during the 1820s in the Kingdom of Dahomey, located in Western Africa on the Gulf of Guinea, and was one of the tribes that participated in this notorious Atlantic Slave Trade practice. This conflict serves as the focus of the story, along with the emotionally transformative . . . Read Charlyne’s full review
Lynne Azpeitia—Getting Paid
What’s your sliding scale? Do you have a sliding scale? How low is your sliding scale? What’s your discounted rate?
These words are often the first thing a therapist encounters when a potential client calls, emails, texts, or DMs about therapy. It’s no surprise that mental health professionals find this a jarring and highly awkward beginning to an interaction about starting therapy—and that therapists, themselves, have many questions, about the best way to respond effectively, both clinically and professionally, to these potential clients during this important first contact.
In fact, the most often asked question I encounter in Money Matters Workshops and at LA Practice Development Lunches is: “What’s the best way . . . Read Lynne’s full column
Shari Manculich, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
“We’re all holding the door open for you,” says Shari Manculich. Shari would know. After a career working for a Fortune 500 company, she decided to follow her heart and transition into clinical work as a second career. “Becoming an LMFT was the best decision I ever made,” says Shari, “You need to follow your passion and diversify your experiences . . . a huge part of that was becoming involved with CAMFT . . . I felt so welcomed and met so many colleagues who have now become friends.” Shari spent several years as the Prelicensed Representative on the SFV-CAMFT Board before becoming VP of Membership. After spending five years on the Board Shari knows firsthand what a difference having a community can make. “Let’s be honest, this work . . . Read Shari’s full profile
Steven Unruh, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Divorce can be a complex and emotional process, especially when it comes to dividing assets and determining financial support. Alimony, also known as spousal support or maintenance, is a legal obligation that one spouse may have to pay to the other after a divorce or separation.
However, alimony can also create conflicts and confusion, especially when income levels differ significantly between the ex-spouses. In this blog, we will explore the challenges and solutions for navigating the alimony conflict, with a focus on cases where a woman is making twice what her soon-to-be ex-husband is making. I will offer practical tips and insights for both parties to communicate . . . Read Steven’s full article
Marissa Esquibel, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Marissa Esquibel is an LMFT, private practice owner, and podcaster. She started her private practice in March 2020 and provides telehealth to young adults across California. She specializes in codependency. Her show, The Codependummy podcast, was created in January 2021 and is focused on empowering young women to stop playing small and start taking up space.
Marissa attended UC Santa Barbara for her undergraduate degree, CSU Fullerton for her Masters of Science in Clinical Psychology, and became a licensed psychotherapist in 2018. She decided to become a therapist after her life-changing experience attending therapy while struggling . . . Read Marissa’s full profile
Clearview Treatment Programs
Clearview Woodland Hills specializes in treating a wide variety of mental health conditions and behaviors
including depression, anxiety, personality disorders, autism spectrum disorder, trauma disorders, self-harm,
and suicidal ideation for adults ages 18 and older. Clearview Woodland Hills offers two levels of care
including Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) and Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP).
PHP and IOP levels of care are designed to be a short-term intervention for individuals who need
more than once a week therapy to stabilize challenging mental health symptoms and behaviors
that are impairing clients daily functioning. At Clearview Woodland Hills . . . Read Clearview’s full profile
eBlast Advertisers
These are the companies and individuals we want to thank for advertising with us . . .
April 2023 eBlasts
May 2023 eBlasts
Contact Us
If you would like to contact one of our Board members or Committee Chairs, or inquire about eBlast advertising . . .
Our Board, Committees and Information
SFV-CAMFT Resources
Professional Resources
Community Resources
Associate Job Listings
Associate Mental Health Professional
Burbank, CA
Healing Crossroads
Private Practice Associate
Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles, CA
Mixed Emotions
For more job listings and other free resources, visit Prelicensed!

Non-members who become members of SFV-CAMFT receive
a 50% discount over the non-member price on a single issue.
San Fernando Valley Chapter – California Marriage and Family Therapists |