Suicide Workshop
-->Note: New Presenter<--

with Dr. Lawrence Hedges, PhD, PsyD, ABPP
This meeting - presented on Zoom.
"The Call of Darkness: A Relational Listening Approach to Suicide Intervention"
Come get 6 C.E.U.'s,
(even if you have already met your new requirement).
This intermediate to advanced course for mental health professionals begins with the awareness that our ability to predict suicide is little better than chance and that at present there are no consistently reliable empirically validated treatment techniques to prevent suicide. However, Dr. Hedges will demonstrate that in the past three decades much has been learned about the dynamics of suicide and many promising treatment approaches have been advanced that are slowly yielding clinical as well as empirical results.
Dr. Hedges will present the groundbreaking work on suicidality of Freud, Jung, Menninger and Shneidman as well as the more recent work of Linehan, Kernberg, Joiner and the attachment theorists along with the features in common that these treatment approaches seem to share. He will put forth a Relational Listening approach regarding the origins of suicidality in a relational/developmental context and will consider their implications for treating, and managing suicidality.
Learning Objectives -
In successfully completing and attending this presentation, participants will be able to:
Define what Edwin Schneiderman means by "psychache."
Describe Joiner's interpersonal approach to understanding and managing suicide.
Explain the difference between "mourning" and "melancholia."
State how the attachment-abandonment dynamic can lead to instrumental suicidality.
State how the connection-withdrawal dynamic can lead to lethal suicidality.
Explain what can be learned in a "suicide autopsy."
State the difference between "a cry for help" and "a cry of pain."
About the Presenter:
Lawrence Hedges, PhD, PsyD, ABPP
Dr. Hedges began seeing patients in 1966 and completed his training in child psychoanalysis in 1973. Since that time his primary occupation has been training and supervising psychoanalysts and psychotherapists individually and in groups on their most difficult cases. He was the Founding Director of the Newport Psychoanalytic Institute in 1983 where he continues to serve as supervising and training analyst. Throughout his career Dr. Hedges has provided continuing education courses for psychotherapists throughout the United States and abroad. He has consulted or served as expert witness on more than 400 complaints against psychotherapists in 20 states and has published 22 books on various topics of interest to psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists, three of which have received the Gradiva award. During the 1909 centennial celebrations of The International Psychoanalytic Association his 1992 book, Interpreting the Countertransference, was named one of the key contributions in the relational track during the first century of psychoanalysis. In 2015 Dr. Hedges was distinguished by being awarded honorary membership in the American Psychoanalytic Association for his many contributions to psychoanalysis.
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-->Note: New Date -->
Friday, July 24, 2020
Due to an unforeseen emergency, the date has been changed.
And, due to original speaker health emergencies, we're pleased to announce that we have secured Dr. Hedges as our new presenter.
The title of the workshop has changed, however, the content will still satisfy the suicide 6 CEU required to renew your license after January 1, 2021.
8:30am-8:40am Log-In/CEU Instructions/Zoom Questions*
8:40am-8:45am Chapter Announcements*
8:45am-8:55am Sponsor Introduction*
8:55am-9am Speaker Introduction*
9am-12pm CEU/Speaker Presentation
12pm-12:30pm Lunch Break (on own)*
12:30pm-12:40pm Sponsor Re-Introduction*
12:40pm-3:40pm CEU/Speaker Presentation
3:40pm-3:45pm Final Questions/Wrap Up*
This course is intended for beginning to advanced mental health professionals.
Course meets the qualifications for 6 hour of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. CEU completion certificates will be awarded when participants complete the course evaluation after speaker presentation.
* = non CEU portion of course
Zoom Meeting - See below to register.
SFV-CAMFT chapter members
$60 (online until Friday, June 12) / $80 (June 13 - July 24)
Non chapter members
$120 (online until Friday, June 12) / $140 (June 13 - July 24)
Students $50 (online until day of)
Email us for
Los Angeles, San Gabriel Valley, and Santa Clarita Valley chapter reciprocity.
To Register: Please click on the register
button at the top-left. If you are not
logged in yet and are a member of our
chapter, please be sure to log in
here first.
Note: - to those that registered for the June 26th date, the 'link' has Not changed, . . The confirmation email sent when you registered, is still Valid.
For new registrants, - link to be sent in confirmation email.
We are excited to be able to offer you this content during the 2020 year and thank you for your continued loyalty, dedication, and commitment to our San Fernando Valley CAMFT chapter.
There's still time to register! We look forward to seeing you virtually this Friday.
With gratitude,
SFV-CAMFT Board of Directors
Questions? Contact our VP of Membership here
Grievances? Contact our President here
Accommodations? Contact our Hospitality Chair here
Policies: View a list of our policies here
Refund Policy
Requests for refunds must be in writing and received by SFV-CAMFT before one week prior to the event. A $2 administrative fee will be deducted for cancellation of a paid event, through the cancellation deadline. Note: for those that registered for the June 26 event, the $2 fee will be waived. There will be no refunds on requests received after one week prior to the event. The President has discretion to issue refunds that do not comply with the policy. To request a refund, click here
CAMFT- approved Continuing Education Provider #62281
SFV-CAMFT is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for Marriage & Family Therapists. SFV-CAMFT maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content.